Please keep Ed and Becki Ward (daughter of Bill and Nelda (Miller) Gust, in your prayers. Ed has suffered a heart attack. He has had one surgery and has been moved to another facility that specializes in heart procedures to see what can be done. Our love and prayers to the Ward family.
Update on Ed: In God we DO trust! Ed had a quadruple plus 1 (5) bypass heart surgery and is doing well. He's still in ICU and being closely monitored, but all went very well. Thanks for your continued prayers for his recovery! All of their children are there, so hoping someone will post and keep us all informed. Thanks for the call Maylee!
ReplyDeleteHello! So, I've talked to dad every day since he was released from the hospital in Charleston and he sounds better every day! I think my favorite part of my time in SC w/ him (besides him coming out of surgery A-OK!) was when he woke from surgery and serenaded mom & I to the Jefferson's theme song! I will never forget that as long as I live. Love you daddio!!