Just click on the link below and it will take you to a web cam of the Tetons (North of Driggs) that is updated every 15 minutes in day light hours!
Catch up on the latest happenings in the Valley!
Here's a news link to the Teton Valley News online:
Here's a mini photo I have of Uncle Garth and Aunt Bobbie. Please post and tell us how life in Florida is going. We'd also love to hear from your children, and theirs! Pass the blog address on!
Flora, Fauna and Merryweather have requested that I create a blog for the descendants of Grandpa Sam and Grandma Goldie. It will be a great place to connect with relatives. I hope you will visit often and contribute with comments about your family and what is happening in your lives. Please email photos to me (amanda@pmt.org) and I will post them. Thanks! Julee
I have a great "Bear" of a husband and the best daughter in the whole world. She is selling watches to pay for her cheerleading uniforms and camp this year. We live in South Eastern Idaho.
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