In Memory of a loving husband, father, brother, uncle and son, Samuel James Miller "Returned with Honor" to his Heavenly Father at the young age of 43. He was not privileged to see his children grow to adulthood, have families of their own, or enjoy grandchildren. I am quite certain he is very proud of each of them for their faithful testimonies of the gospel. I'm sure he has experienced a sweet reunion with his "Goldie" and loved ones who are at the family reunion on the other side. Those of you who have memories of Grandpa Sam Miller, would you please share them with us? Email me and I'll post them to the blog. Thanks! Julee

Sorry for the small print on this obituary:
"Samuel James Miller, 43, died Monday evening in the local hospital following a long illness. He is a son of John Miller and Clara Kunz Miller of Cedron. He was born February 9, 1899, at Salem, Idaho, and moved to Teton Valley with his parents when about two years of age, locating at Cedron where he has continued to live.
Mr. Miller filled an LDS mission to the northern states from 1919 to 1921. He married Golda Thompson of Victor in the Salt Lake Temple, June 28, 1922.
He has been active in civic and religious affairs. He has served as state Aaronic priesthood supervisor and was a member of the high council at the time of his death.
He is survived by his wife and six children, Gail J., Jack L., Nelda Lee, Garth and Garl, twins, and Nola Rae; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, all of Cedron, and the following brothers and sisters, Maud Smith, Polly Zohner, both of Driggs; Ruth Foster of Cedron, Dick Miller of St. Anthony, LeRoy Miller of Cedron, Hattie Spencer, Fred K. Miller, both of Driggs; Amanda Dewey of Boise, Ruby Schiess and Chester Miller of Cedron.
Funeral services will be held in the stake house Thursday at 2:00 P.M."